sábado, 1 de abril de 2017

Spring Break, what a time!

Oh, Spring Break! A time to relax, enjoy your family, friends, get tan, get away from the stress of school... You can choose how to spend your break in any way you want, knowing that whatever you are doing will be the best for you at the time. Well, for my spring break I wasn't so sure about that. I decided in December to be part of the MOVE team at St. Michael's College and participate in my first service trip with some other classmates to the small region of Los Corozos in the Dominican Republic. Prior to the trip, I am not going to lie, I was really scared. It was going to be my first experience like this, something I didn't know what to expect it was going to be and going with people that I didn't necessarily knew at the time. A true new experience for me. At the end of the day, the outcome couldn't have been better. Great new friends, knowing you put a smile in dozens of people who are so grateful from what you do, a lifetime and an eyeopener experience... are only a few of the things that I really got out this marvelous trip to the DR. But, as they say, a picture shows more than a 100 words; let's post a bunch of them then.

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